Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Carry On Communities
Act 2 : The Court of the Red Tar
Draft 1.

Simon Hobbit and Boris Cat have obtained access to the underworld via an entrance at Junction 6 of the M5, the key to which Boris obtained from a local dryad, or tree spirit. Boris updates his friend on some important matters as the two descend toward The Court of the Red Tar. He explains that the Red Tar was formerly known as John Prescott, a long standing and well-regarded Labour MP until he was enchanted by the wicked Blair Wizard. The wicked wizard then made Mr Prescott Deputy Prime Minister, second-in-command only to himself (after he had also cast a spell on most other Labour MPs) and the Big Clunking Fist. However, the Big Clunking Fist later overthrew the wicked Blair Wizard, although the latter soon found other troublesome roles to play on the world stage, and nearer home.

"Unfortunately", said Boris, "Mr Prescott is still under the wicked Blair Wizard's spell, and, if anything, his condition and that of his ministerial colleagues and advisers, has become worse in recent years, as you will soon see. Mr Prescott, at onetime a ship's steward, likes to be known as the Red Tar (you may recall a literary account of Stalin called "The Court of the Red Tsar") and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister - or ODPM as I shall it - has been recast as "The Court of the Red Tar". More recently, he has asked to be called "Sultan", and "Sinbad" by close associates, and has taken to thinking of his colleagues, most of whom are female, as an extended harem. Members of this "harem", like the heroine in the story of the "Arabian Nights", are forced to come up with continual daft policy ideas if they wish to retain their positions, which "Sinbad" then assigns to a sort of under-ministry, called the Department of Daft Ideas (or DoDI). Even the Big Clunking Fist is outraged by the behaviour of Mr Prescott and has therefore banished him to offices in the underworld, which we are about to visit."

"However," Boris continued, "We bring with us the antidote to this parlous state of affairs. The Witch of Worcester has prepared a potion which we must place in the food and drink of "Sultan Sinbad" and his colleagues. This effect of this potion will be to remove the dire enchantment of the Blair wizard over Mr Prescott and return his senses and those of the others to something resembling a normal state".

With these words, Boris Cat and Simon Hobbit arrived at the underworld offices of the ODPM. Outside, were various statues of the Mighty Deputy Leader (or Mighty Deputy as he preferred to called). From within, came the sound of louf music and raised voices. The two friends hoped very much to catch this dragon's den off its guard. Boris had a few more words for his friend :
"This is an extremely powerful potion that we bring. Not only will it transform the consciousness of those who consume it. In doing this, it will also start to bring about a profound transformation for the better in everyday reality. However, this will not be without its own challenges. Therefore, once we have administered the potion, we must make haste back to the city streets, and seek further audience with the Witch of Worcester, who will reveal to us the next stage of our perilous project."

Simon Hobbit was borne forward by his friends words. The two entered the dark and noisy chamber which accommodated the Court of the Red Tar. A massive banquet awaited Sultan Sinbad and his colleagues, and to this the powerful potion was administered.

As Simon and Boris retraced their steps back towards the exit from the underworld, they both sensed that their mission had been successful. "The Court of the Red Tar" was almost certainly now asleep, and would ultimately awake free from the enchantment of the Blair Wizard.

Meanwhile, at Junction 6 of the M5 a miraculous transformation seemed to have taken place. The traffic chaos which so epitomised the rule of the Big Clunking Fist appeared to have subsided. Drivers seemed to be observing traffic regulations as never before. No one was driving above the speed limit. Moreover, there were fewer vehicles on the road as people used the opportunity of a safer and pleasant environment to travel by foot, bicycle and much improved bus services. The jaws of Simon and Boris dropped in awe and gratitude at the prospect of far fewer road traffic accidents to people and other animals. Nearby, the trees and their spirits were all celebrating and singing : "Things can only get better !". This was indeed a time of great joy, celebation and good will to all !.

To be continued @ on 21.12.2006

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What Goes Around Comes Around

"As an animal welfare issue, fox hunting comes in at about number 155. It probably ranks below the last of the great working class bloodsports, coarse fishing. It’s insignificant beside intensive pig farming, chicken keeping or even the rearing of pheasants for driven shoots. But as a class issue, it ranks behind private schooling at number two. This isn’t about animal welfare. It’s about human welfare. By taking on the hunt, our MPs are taking on those who ran the country for 800 years, and still run the countryside today. This class war began with the Norman conquest. It still needs to be fought."

From "Class War on The Hoof" by George Monbiot ( blog 14.9.2004)

Friendly green anarchist (I hope he doesn't mind me calling him this) George Monbiot is one of the most original and cogent environmental and social commentators around. I certainly agree with his view on the animal welfare dimension of fox-hunting. However, I think it is a mistake to invoke the "class war" in this and most other contexts, including the system of "public education" in Britain today. The "class war" certainly exists, but only as a lower substrata of most peoples psyches (or as part the collective unconscious if you prefer). The fact is that there are all sorts of tribal, religious, family, inter-personal and other power struggles going on at the same time at various levels of people's (un)consciousness. In some respects, the British (or English and perhaps Scottish) "class wars" as manifested in the public school system, and certain country and sporting pursuits, are amongst the more benign aspects of the ever-evolving (some might say eternal) power struggle between different social groups. However, for me the key dynamic is the economy and economic power, rather than the symbolism of fox hunting.

Nevertheless, the rather bourgeois proponents of New Labour have aligned themselves with the
class war community on this and certain other issues for the simple reason that their core political motivation is divide and rule, and we certainly have a most divisive government and divided society just now.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Some Advice to Woman with Children and Their Male Partners

Yesterday (a Sunday), I decided to take a walk about 3pm before dusk. My "path" took me along a stretch of road which can be hazarous at busy times (mainly due to people driving too fast), but I thought that it would be relatively quiet at this time and that I would have a relaxing walk. How wrong I was !

As I walked past the entrance of a horse livery yard, I heard a woman shouting from behind me "Thank You !". I had no idea what she was talking about, not least because I was attending to possible traffic on a potentially hazardness stretch of road, but replied "What for ?". "For letting you pass", or words to that effect, she responded. Given that I had the right of way, I thought this was ridiculous and cursorily told her to "F... Off".

The woman's male partner then called me an "", something I took objection to. So I turned around and approached their vehicle (a 4x4). I was tempted to kick this but given I had soft rubber boots on decided against it. Instead, I opened the passenger door, saw there was a child behind the woman (given the man's language, this surprised me !) and said quite calmly "If you have horses, you should know that pedestrians and horses always have priority over motorists". I then closed the door of the vehicle. This promptly launched forward skidding across the hazardous road in a manner, I presumed, was intended to be threatening. However, my reaction was : what a wally of a driver ! I then carried on wih my walk and, on my return, spoke about the "driver problem" to the owners of the livery yard.

However, from my perspective, there is another moral to this story, and I'll address this to women with children and their male partners (and more specifically to white middle class people). Being called a "" by your partner may be quite acceptable to you, and it might be quite acceptable to you for him to do this in front of your children to another woman.
But, the woman in question might take objection to this and not all women regard themselves as one of the weaker sex : male partners please take note !