Monday, December 04, 2006

Some Advice to Woman with Children and Their Male Partners

Yesterday (a Sunday), I decided to take a walk about 3pm before dusk. My "path" took me along a stretch of road which can be hazarous at busy times (mainly due to people driving too fast), but I thought that it would be relatively quiet at this time and that I would have a relaxing walk. How wrong I was !

As I walked past the entrance of a horse livery yard, I heard a woman shouting from behind me "Thank You !". I had no idea what she was talking about, not least because I was attending to possible traffic on a potentially hazardness stretch of road, but replied "What for ?". "For letting you pass", or words to that effect, she responded. Given that I had the right of way, I thought this was ridiculous and cursorily told her to "F... Off".

The woman's male partner then called me an "", something I took objection to. So I turned around and approached their vehicle (a 4x4). I was tempted to kick this but given I had soft rubber boots on decided against it. Instead, I opened the passenger door, saw there was a child behind the woman (given the man's language, this surprised me !) and said quite calmly "If you have horses, you should know that pedestrians and horses always have priority over motorists". I then closed the door of the vehicle. This promptly launched forward skidding across the hazardous road in a manner, I presumed, was intended to be threatening. However, my reaction was : what a wally of a driver ! I then carried on wih my walk and, on my return, spoke about the "driver problem" to the owners of the livery yard.

However, from my perspective, there is another moral to this story, and I'll address this to women with children and their male partners (and more specifically to white middle class people). Being called a "" by your partner may be quite acceptable to you, and it might be quite acceptable to you for him to do this in front of your children to another woman.
But, the woman in question might take objection to this and not all women regard themselves as one of the weaker sex : male partners please take note !

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